Заявка на обучение

2014-04-15 :: Бесплатный мастер-класс "Фразовые глаголы" (Phrasal Verbs) 23 апреля

Бесплатный мастер-класс "Фразовые глаголы" (Phrasal Verbs) 23 апреля в 18:30.
Мастер-класс проводит преподаватель-носитель языка.
Приглашаем нынешних и бывших студентов Benedict School уровней Pre-Intermediate и Intermediate.
Для участия необходимо записаться по телефону: 325 75 74.
Количество мест ограничено!

Phrasal Verbs

Free Master Class on the 23d of April at 18:30
for Pre-intermediate and Intermediate students.

In this Master Class you will meet, understand and master commonly used phrasal verbs all linked to the topic of work, which will allow you to speak about work in English more naturally and fluently.
Master Classes are conducted by professional native English-speaking trainers.
Benedict School students – former and current - are welcome to attend classes for free!

Registration for Master Classes is necessary by phone: 325 75 74  

The next Master Class focused on Commonly Confused Words is scheduled for the 21st of May.


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